27 Days

‘adventure on hidden trail beyond Annapurna Himalayas and Manang valley’



“Adventure on the hidden trail around far north mid-west Himalaya range Enjoy the walks on off the beaten tracks away for mainstream trekking trails Explore the pristine country of Nar-Phu and on route to Upper Mustang Stunning views of high snow peaks of Annapurna, Damodar and Chulu’s Trek around remote isolated villages enriched with ancient Buddhist culture”

Best seasons for Nar-Phu & Upper Mustang via Teri-La Trek:

The best time for this long and wonderful adventure is in the spring and autumn seasons, from March to May, and autumn/fall begins from September to November months.

Springtime from March to May will be much lively with wildflowers in seasonal bloom, especially the magnolia and rhododendrons the national flower of Nepal.

March to May fine clear day most of the time, with longer sun-light hours but can get overcast in the late afternoon with chances of snow sometimes on high altitude areas as well on passes. Autumn / Falls another best time for this trek with a fine clear day for views and walks. But days are shorter with sun-light hours, morning, late afternoon, and nighttime temperatures drop to freezing cold around the higher region with the bright starry night sky. Chances of snow on trails as well on passes.

Religion and Culture:

North Mid-West Nepal around Manang and Mustang districts populated by Bhotia and Manang people the mountain tribes. The native around high Manang and Mustang follows strong Buddhism religion as well Bon a pre-Buddhism sect with an age-old culture similar to their predecessors Tibetan, on this trek, you will notice traditionally built houses, where every home is adorned with Buddhist prayer flags and religious monuments.

On this trek beyond Dharapani village, coming across rows of prayer walls, spinning and wheeled prayer with Buddhist stupas, where walking clockwise will be the right way to respect the local culture as well visit interesting monasteries.


Nar-Phu & Upper Mustang via Teri-La Trekking, an adventure to wild country around Far North Mid-West Himalayas. One of the most exciting treks takes you to explore the unexplored areas far beyond Manang valley within rugged beautiful terrain.


An exceptional journey, where only a few groups seldom dare to venture within these remote hidden pockets of western Himalaya. Nar-Phu & Upper Mustang via Teri-La Trekking, a perfect adventure for tough adventurous trekkers take you off the beaten trail.


Truly an adventure in the harmony of the beautiful scenery of the high towering mountain range and windswept scenic valley. The beauty of this trek is more of an exploration, as the walk takes you far from villages and mainstream routes.


A great enjoyable, wonderful trek, leads to a pristine environment, in and around the unexplored area within the backdrop of majestic high peaks.


Nar-Phu & Upper Mustang via Teri-La Trekking, starts with an interesting overland journey from Kathmandu, heading towards Mid-West Nepal.

The drive continues past farm areas of Lamjung district to Dharapani village, located on the route of the Manaslu and Annapurna circuit trek.


From Dharapani adventure begins leaving the main popular trail of the Annapurna circuit, heading towards a narrow deep river gorge. Trek continues after few overnight stops around smaller settlements of Meta and Kyang, as adventure enters a wide exposed country. Where wind-blown village of Phu stands on a hill a moderate size settlement of typical Tibetan-style houses. An interesting place for a rest day and to explore the village festooned with Buddhist prayer monuments and old monasteries. After a wonderful time at Phu, one of the main highlights of the adventure, then head towards Nar. Located further from the main Phu village on route to our next destination towards Teri-La pass and Upper Mustang. Nar village is almost the same as its sister village Phu, but quite smaller, with similar farm life and raising livestock. Nar-Phu wide is also a home for blue sheep, elusive snow leopard, and other wildlife often sighted around this remote country.


From Nar adventure leads towards Teri-La pass, situated north-west of Nar-Phu valley, where there is another famous pass of Kang-La. Which leads to the main Manang village on the popular Annapurna circuit trail, our route diverts to Lapse Khola / stream. The base of high Teri-La where our camp is set before the big climb of the adventure. An early start for a steep climb on a rocky path as uphill continues to the top of Teri-La. The highest point of the journey at 5, 595 m

and 18, 356 feet, rewards a grand panorama of high peaks. Enjoy view of

Annapurna range, Tilicho and Gangapurna peaks in the south, and

Chulu’s in the west with Damodar Himal.


After a glorious moment downhill to enter another territory around Upper Mustang area, as walk leads on a high ridge. Facing spectacular views of surrounding dramatic landscapes with snow-capped peaks, as walk leads to small villages of Tange and Yara.


On reaching the Upper Mustang district and the wide dry terrain, geographically an extension of South West Tibetan plateau.

The Upper Mustang is also called Lo, the land of Lobas the main native of the high country of Mustang.


Enjoying the scenic walk around the dramatic wild landscapes, the heading towards our last final destination at Lo-Manthang. Once a forbidden walled kingdom of Lo-Manthang, in early days a separate country during the time of Raja Ame Pal. From the early 14th Century around 1,380 A.D.

Over the past decades the kingdom and monarchy ended in Nepal as well, the region of Upper Mustang. The Upper Mustang and Nar-Phu were closed to the outside world and opened the door since 1992. But remains a restricted area for foreign visitors, one can visit this wild country obtaining a special entry permit.


At Lo-Manthang with time to explore around the town-like city, the walled former kingdom reminds you of medieval times. In Lo-Manthang tour of its famous monasteries and important sites, and then walk to Jomsom, where our adventurous journey concludes.


Jomsom a large town and headquarter of Mustang district, a place with a small airstrip, enjoy the last day trek. As well as a final overnight stop in Jomsom, then next early morning a short scenic flight to Pokhara.


A famous tourist spot of Nepal, a scenic city Pokhara located on the laps of massive Annapurna Himalaya. Where our adventure concludes in this beautiful city of beautiful lakes and green hills with views of a snow mountain range.

Outline Itinerary:

Day 01:          Arrival in Kathmandu 1,345 m and transfer to respective Hotels

Day 02:          Kathmandu with sightseeing tour, trek briefing and preparations.

Day 03:          Drive to Dharapani 1,725 m-07 hrs.

Day 04:          Trek to Koto 2,640 m near Chame town – 05 hrs.

Day 05:         Trek to Meta 3,560 m past Dharmasala – 06 hrs.
Day 06:         Trek to Kyang 3,020 m – 05 hours.
Day 07:          Trek to Phu 4, 580 m – 05 hrs.

Day 08:         Acclimatization day at Phu and short exploration.

Day 09:         Trek to Nar Phedi / Mahendrapul 3, 490 m- 05 hrs.
Day 10:         Trek to Nar-Gaon / village 4, 110 m – 04 hrs.
Day 11:         Trek to Yak Kharka 4, 400 m -03 hrs.
Day 12:         Trek to Lapse Khola / stream base of Teri-La 4, 800 m-06 hrs.
Day 13:         Trek to High Camp at 5, 232 m – 04 hrs.
Day 14:         Cross over Teri-La Pass 5, 595 m / 18, 356 ft. descend to Pas-Phu
Khola 4, 730 m – 06 hrs.

Day 15:         Trek to Yakpa 4,250 m – 06 hrs.
Day 16:         Trek to Tange 3,240 m – 05 hrs.
Day 17:         Trek to Yara 3, 510 m – 05 hrs.
Day 18:         Trek to Lo-Manthang 3,720 m -06 hrs.
Day 19:         Rest day to explore around Lo-Manthang.
Day 20:         Trek to Ghami 3,510 m – 07 hrs.
Day 21:         Trek to Samar village 3,620 m – 06 hrs.
Day 22:         Trek to Chusang / Tsusang 2, 980 m- 05 hrs.
Day 23:         Trek to Kagbeni 2,810 m -06 hrs.
Day 24:         Trek to Jomsom 2,715 m / 8,907 feet – 04 hrs.
Day 25:          Fly to Pokhara with free afternoon.
Day 26:          Fly back to Kathmandu 30 mins flight and transfer to hotel.
Day 27:          International Departure homeward bound.


On arrival at Kathmandu and Nepal International Airport, received by our guides and staff for short transfer to your hotels in the hub of Kathmandu city.

Checking your lovely room, and after a refreshing rest join with other members of
Manaslu & Tsum Valley Hidden Lakes Trekking. Our guide or group leader brief you about the treks, do’s and don’ts, local culture, as well camping, foods and of lodges, camping on route trek.

A full good information which will help to enjoy your adventure with us, followed with welcome group dinner in a Nepalese restaurant with folk-culture program as entertainment while you enjoy the dinner.

Morning after breakfast at given time, our city guide will meet for interesting sightseeing of best world heritage sites around Kathmandu.

Tour includes old Durbar (royal palace and courtyard) square, with Temple of Kumari (Living young virgin Goddess). Visit famous Nepal landmark Swayambhunath Stupa a 2,500 years old, a Buddhist Stupa with all seeing eyes of Lord Buddha. Afternoon tour of holy Hindu Temple of Pashupatinath and visit Bouddhanath, Asia’s largest Stupa with four cardinals eyes of Buddha surrounded with prayer wheels and small market, this place is also known as Little Tibet due to strong Tibetan influence.

After an exciting day tour back to hotel for Nar-Phu & Upper Mustang via Tiri-La Trek, preparation with last minute briefing from your leader and guide.

Start the morning with long exciting drive to Dharapani our starting point of the adventure to Nar-Phu and Upper Mustang, starts with pleasant downhill through tree lines to Tilje village, a nice spot by the raging Masrsyangdi River, having short rest or possible for lunch stop, then climb on crossing a suspension bridge to a large and nice lovely Dharapani village.
This village located on the junction of famous, popular Annapurna Circuit trail and route of Manaslu. Dharapani village where motorable road has reached from Besisar town as far to Manang village.

From Dharapani walk into a nice rhododendron and pine forest past villages of Bagarchap and Danque a place with apple orchard on the backyard, then route leads to a steep climb reaching Timang village for lunch stop facing views of
Mt. Manaslu and Lamjung Himal. From Timang village few hours trek leads to Koto for overnight stop, located close to Chame town, a large and major town and a headquarter of Manang district.

Morning from Koto village our route diverts north on leaving Annapurna circuit trail for a week, as climb leads towards Nar & Phu villages. Located on the hidden area of Manang and beyond Annapurna Himalaya which is on route to Tibet border. Walking leads you to wilderness within the country where herd of blue sheep and snow leopard and other wild-life often spotted on walks.

Trek leads into narrow valley covered in pines and rhododendron trees, then reach a nice pasture fields with few huts and shades of Yak herder.
The area around the gorge blocked by high Pisang Peak and Kang-guru Himal, walk continues following Nar-Phu River upstream to reach Dharmasala a small farm village for refreshing stops. After a short rest walk further for an hour to Meta for overnight halt a sleepy small farm village.

Start the morning heading north to Phu village, one of isolated and remote country beyond the main villages of Manang valley. The area similar to Tibetan landscapes dry and arid. On walks around this area chances of spotting some wildlife like Blue Sheep’s, Musk deer’s and other wild animals if lucky might see a glimpse of snow leopard. Walk then ends on reaching at Kyang for overnight stop after an interesting day. Kyang with dozen of Tibetan style houses serves as lodge and restaurants with impressive Buddhist culture.

Today adventure leads to our next destination at Phu village, morning walk follows Phu River upstream for some time, and then descend with climb to enter a river gorge as climb continues to reach a wide glacial valley at Phu village of strong Tibetan influence and culture with similar tradition of Buddhist religion.

Enjoy a rest day at Phu village, a perfect place for another acclimatization day as well to explore around impressive village. Visit the old Tashi-Khang, Samdu Choling Monastery with views of Kyauchyu waterfalls. Phu Village with about 30 houses for 100 to 150 local inhabitants.

From Phu, after a wonderful time, morning downhill to reach a river side, on the same trail of previous day. As walk leads to the bottom of Phu village, this place is called Nar Phedi, a small settlement with few houses. Overnight at Nar Phedi with time for short walks.

After spending overnight at Nar Phedi, a slow climb to reach Yughat, a small village with Mani, Chorten and Buddhist shrines, then ending the morning walk on reaching at Nar-Gaon for overnight stop. Nar-Gaon in comparison with Phu looks similar but smaller, located within remote high altitude terrain of dry windswept landscape. Nar-Gaon with few small lodge and inns for overnight stop serving excellent meals with warm friendly environment.

From Nar-Gaon walk heads to remote wilderness, away from human settlement for few days, an interesting walk of few hours, leads to short ups and downs on rocky and arid path. As walk continues coming across cattle herders shelters towards west following Temdenzon Khola / stream within wild barren surrounding then end the day on reaching Yak Kharka for overnight camp at
4,400 meters high, where route of Kang-la and Teri-La pass separates.

Spending overnight in a wild terrain, morning walk follows the river for the first half. As walk continues reaching a confluence and the tributary streams that joins to Lapsi Khola, crossing the icy stream and the climb through a moraine into a flat space where camp is set.

Today a short day, as morning walk starts on gradual uphill path traversing the ridges towards an open small field to establish our high camp. Afternoon relax and preserve your energy for next early morning big climb to Teri-La Pass.

Starting as early as possible with nice warm breakfast as well carrying pack-lunch for the long walk. As traverse continues and the trail gets steeper and passes through a narrow gully. The top of the pass is marked with rock cairns and prayer flags if it exists from snow and wind. Enjoy the fantastic panorama of surrounding snow mountain range of Annapurna, Gangapurna Himal with Tilicho peak, extends to Chulu group of peaks. After a nice pleasant stop, then descend from the pass through a narrow gully for a while, before the valley widens.
The steep descent also turns into a pleasant walk to reach a small Yak herder camp, as trek continues within a wide valley, it briefly gains some height to traverse a ridge and again with steep drops to a valley. After a downhill walk of an hour, the trail reach into a small area by the stream to set our overnight camp.

From this isolate camp site, trail descends along the valley floor as downhill continues to reach at the bottom of a valley. Coming across a confluence of a stream. Once across the river, a gradual ascend to traverse few ridges as well follows from one ridge to another and then a steep descent to a river and across the river to reach Yakpa, for overnight camp.

The morning starts with steep climb and trek through an old abandoned village, where trail leads to an exposed area for a short while. As climb continues to reach and opens valley facing views of Dhaulagiri Himal. After a while, few traverses around the ridges follows to another wide valley from here with views of Tange village. This is the first village after Nar and the camp also marks the treks re-entry into civilization on reaching back to human life after being in complete wilderness for several days.

Start the morning with gradual ascent and the down to a river, cross the raging river carefully and slowly. After crossing the river, the trail once again climbs up with downhill to reach another valley. Where Yara is located at the bottom of the valley and would be the final tented camp before walk reach you to
Lo-Manthang, the walled kingdom of Upper Mustang.

Start the morning on gradual path and then head downhill to reach a stream that joins with Kali Gandaki River. Walk follows the river, passes through Dhi and climbs steeply to cross another mini pass and follows down and up to enter the walled kingdom of Lo-Manthang. Overnight in one of its best lodge with time for short stroll around this old town like a large village of ancient times.

A free day in Lo-Manthang to explore around this medvial era town / city enclosed by high wall. Around this interesting town walk and observe local way of life and the culture of great interest. Tour of famous monasteries Namgyal Gompa, Champa Lakhang (God House), Red Thubchen Gompa, Chyodi Gompa and the great Entrance Hall with special permission to visit the palace interior.

From Lo-Manthang walk leads to through Charang village and then climb to cross the high ridge of Charang La. On reaching the bottom of the Charang-La, walk continues with gradually descend coming across a row of Mani Wall about 555 meters, the longest in Nepal and probably in whole Himalaya.
As walk continues downhill to reach a river and then climb again to reach Ghami village for overnight in one of its best lodge/ guest hous.

Morning walk briefly gets away from the road and climbs steeply to reach on top of a small pass, as walk continues with climb and then descend to reach villages of Ghiling, Syangbochen and then finally at Samar for overnight stop.

After an overnight in Samar village, morning trek leads to big drop and continue descend to reach Kali Gandaki River. Once again, after crossing the river, the trail connects with the road and then stays on till our afternoon walk reach you at Chussang for last overnight around Restricted Area of Upper Mustang.

The last of Upper Mustang on leaving Chusang as morning heads downhill for few hour past Chele village to reach Mustang Khola, from here on gradual path in between great canyons and eroded high cliffs towards Kagbeni for overnight halt, on leaving the Upper Mustang area.

Last day and short walk of the adventure to Jomsom town, morning walk on flat plain of Kaligandaki River valley, past few small settlement then reach the end of the trek at Jomsom. A big town with many excellent lodge, hotels and inns for overnight stop with fancy restaurants and fresh bakeries.
Jomsom headquarter town of Mustang region with a small airstrip above Kaligandaki River, an interesting country around Kaligandaki River valley within dry and arid country with incredible views of windblown hills and canyons.

Morning a short walk to Jomsom airport for scenic short flight to reach at beautiful Pokhara, during air fantastic views of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Himalayan peaks, as the aircraft lands at Pokhara. Pokhara one of the most sought touristic destinations in all Himalaya, a picturesque city overlooking views of massive Annapurna Himalaya with famous and magnificent Machhapuchare Himal 'Fish Tail'. From the airport a short drive to reach hotels by serene Phewa Lake side, with time to explore beautiful Pokhara.

Morning catching last views of Annapurna Himalaya with majestic Machhapuchare Himal or Fish Tail, and then transfer to Pokhara airport for smooth short flight to Kathmandu. Back within the hustle and bustle city life of Kathmandu after a great adventure and wonderful experience around high Nar-Phu & Upper Mustang via Tiri-La Pass Trekking.
Rest of the day at leisure for individual activities and shopping souvenirs or join in for short tour around places of great interest.

Last day in Nepal as per your international flight time, our staff and guide transfer you to the airport for homeward bound. After a great time and adventure around Nar-Phu & Upper Mustang via Tiri-La Pass.

FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions):

01:How hard and difficult is this high altitude trek?

Depends upon one physical fitness and health, the trek is not hard or difficult except for some days crossing Teri-La Pass. Which is above 5,577 m / 18,297 feet.
It will be a rugged trail and you will be trekking in a remote area till the walk reach Dhi and Lo-Manthang within Upper Mustang. The hard and difficult is due fain trail condition and walking on high altitude around windswept barren country.

02:When is the best time for this tough and wonderful Trek?

The best time are spring from March to May, and autumn / fall begins from September to early November. These are the best times for pleasant walks and views, but could get snow-fall sometimes. Much colder morning and evening, night time, but with clear sunny most of the days.

03:What do we expect on these treks?

Walking ups and down with few flat section, walk into lovely nice villages adorned with ancient culture and heritage of Buddhism, visiting monasteries of great religious interest. Encountering friendly and cheerful villagers, cold morning and night time but with sunny clear days for excellent views of snow-capped peaks.
Crossing above 5,577 m Teri-La pass from one beautiful valley to another scenic areas, truly an extreme adventure to experience. A complete wilderness trekking but very scenic adventures. Enter the former forbidden walled Kingdom of Lo-Manthang, and walk back to Jomsom town.

04:How high do we trek on this Trek?

The trek starts from Dharapani at 1,800 m then reaching above 3,000 m and to cross highest point over Teri-La at 5,577 m towards Upper Mustang region.

05:How are the foods, accommodation on this 4 passes Trek?

Accommodation in local lodges are simple but nice, clean and cozy but smaller rooms on leaving Nar and Phu few days’ overnights in tented camps.
The lodge facilities till the walk reach at Lo-Manthang around Upper Mustang region. Rest of the trek into complete wilderness, where Brown Bear Trails will carry all Camping Equipment required from Nar village till Lo-Manthang.
Tents are large for two person, the foods are provided by our camping cook and kitchen staff serving from Continental, Chinese, Indian and Tibetan to Nepal meals. The main preferred meals is Nepali Dal Bhat (boiled rice and lentil soup with seasonal vegetable and home-made hot sauce or mild pickle. For large group provides set meal to make it easier as well to save time and fuel energy.
From Lo-Manthang till Jomsom town overnights in nice lovely lodge with great food menu to enjoy.

06:Is there hot showers and electricity to charge our electronic items?

Every villages have hydroelectricity and solar, where trekkers can charge their electronic items paying a fee per hour per item charged to the lodge owner.
Yes, nearly all villages provides hot or cold shower and bathe with hot water in a large bucket. Extra charge for using hot shower and bathe.
But from Nar village for some days crossing Teri-La, electricity power are not available within sheer wilderness. Where trekkers requires to carry portable solar power to charge their electronic items till Lo-Manthang is reached.

07:Do we get internet services and Wi-Fi on these treks?

Nearly all main villages as far towards Manang. But sometimes due to landscapes wise entering deep valleys and gorges where internet services could be obstructed. But due to complete mountain wilderness for a week or more no internet services after Lo-Manthang is reached.

08:When do we book for this wonderful trek?

To book with “Brown Bear Trails” minimum of one month or earlier the best. Sending your passport details, and advance payment with photo copy of Travel / Medical Insurance. Rest of the trip balance to be paid on arrival in Kathmandu before trek departures.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

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